Please do not abandon used office furniture and equipment in the building. Several charitable organizations in the area will pick up used articles and provide a donation receipt. The building must charge a fee to any company that leaves large articles on the dock or service elevator lobby that cannot easily be removed with the normal building trash. A nominal removal fee for used pallets will also be assessed, if a pallet recycler is not available.
Any tenant or visitor removing property after hours (6:00 PM to 6:00 AM, Monday through Friday and all-day Saturday and Sunday) including personal computers, audio or video equipment, materials such as large amounts of files, etc., should submit either a letter authorizing such removal, or a fully completed Property Removal Authorization form located in the Forms section of this handbook. Letters should be on company stationery and signed by the designated tenant contact. The authorization should be submitted to the Management Office no later than 5:00 PM on the last business day preceding the anticipated removal date.
If this procedure is not followed, the security officer witnessing the attempted removal of property will stop the individual, determine their employer and call the designated after-hours tenant contact person for authorization to permit the equipment removal.
If no telephone authorization can be obtained, the security officer is required to obtain the following information from the individual and provide it to the Management Office:
- Description of the equipment being removed
- Serial numbers of the equipment being removed (if applicable)
- Name of the person removing the equipment
- Picture identification of the person removing the equipment
- Employer of the person removing the property
- Name and suite number of tenant from which person is removing the equipment
Please contact the Management Office if you have questions regarding this policy.