Building Management

The Management Office is located in the East Tower, Suite 100. The office hours are 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. The telephones are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please call or visit the Management Office if we can be of further service. The Management Office phone number is (972) 869-5900, the fax number is (972) 869-4820.


The Towers at Williams Square is a four-building complex located in the Las Colinas Urban Center. The building addresses are as follows:

Mustang Tower 5201 North O’Connor Boulevard
West Tower 5205 North O’Connor Boulevard
Central Tower 5215 North O’Connor Boulevard
East Tower 5221 North O’Connor Boulevard

The city, state, and zip code for all four buildings is:

Irving, Texas, 75039